Menopause specialist - Harmony MD

This guide from Harmony MD will empower you to take charge of your health during perimenopause and beyond. Read on to learn the benefits of hormone therapy, optimize lifestyle factors, and find the right physician. We aim to restore vitality and quality of life so you can focus on what matters most−pursuing your passions.

Signs and Symptoms of Menopause

During perimenopause, which begins up to 10 years before menopause, estrogen and progesterone production becomes irregular. This fluctuating hormone balance is why symptoms often come and go. They tend to worsen as you near menopause until periods stop completely for 12 months. Menopause officially occurs at an average age of 51 in the United States.

Some 25-50% of women experience few problems during the transition. For most, however, symptoms range from mild to quite disruptive:

These manifestations vary significantly among ethnicities. Up to 80% of African American, Hispanic, and Asian women report moderate to severe hot flashes, compared to about 50% of Caucasian women. Vaginal dryness and pain tend to be most bothersome for Caucasian women.

Diagnosing Menopause

Sign Diagnostic Test
Missed periods Track menstrual cycle
Hot flashes, night sweats None needed
Vaginal atrophy Gynecological exam
Bone loss Bone mineral density scan
Hormone changes Blood and urine tests

Diagnosing perimenopause and menopause involves tracking symptoms and running hormone tests for estradiol, AMH, FSH, and potentially testosterone. Levels may fluctuate erratically as ovarian function declines. Compare changes over time for the full picture.

Getting tested yearly enables detecting menopause 6-12 months earlier on average. This helps guide appropriate treatment, especially for women whose periods stop before age 45. Premature menopause elevates risks for coronary artery disease, osteoporosis and dementia. Hormone therapy provides vital protection.

Hormone Therapy: Options and Recommendations

For many women, properly managed hormone therapy (HT) with estrogen, and potentially testosterone, brings immense relief from disruptive menopausal symptoms. Data demonstrates HT is the most effective treatment, outperforming antidepressants and herbal remedies. The decision involves balancing potential risks and quality of life priorities unique to each woman.

Estrogen Therapy

Supplemental estrogen most effectively alleviates hot flashes and night sweats, genitourinary problems like vaginal atrophy, and may help mood, memory and sleep issues.

Consider starting systemic therapy like oral tablets, transdermal patches or gels if moderate to severe symptoms hinder sleep and daily function for over a month. Local, ultra-low dose vaginal estrogen best treats genitourinary syndrome of menopause (GSM) though some systemic absorption occurs.

Weigh hormone therapy risks like blood clots and stroke against benefits like reducing bone loss and potentially heart disease mortality based on your age, time since last period, and any predisposing health conditions.

Progestogen Therapy

Women with a uterus need supplemental progestogen alongside estrogen to prevent endometrial hyperplasia and cancer. Oral progesterone best protects uterine tissue but can cause sedation. Other options like intrauterine devices effectively deliver low-dose progestogen directly to uterine tissue.

Testosterone Therapy

One-third of menopausal women suffer from low testosterone. Since receptors for this androgen exist throughout the female reproductive tract and brain, testosterone therapy may improve libido, arousal, sexual responsiveness and overall sexual function. It also helps energy, motivation and mood.

Formulations like gels, creams and sublingual tablets precisely deliver low doses, elevating serum testosterone levels into the normal range for premenopausal females. Effects manifest over months of steady use. We monitor hormone levels every 3-6 months to maintain ideal balance through peri- and postmenopause.

Bazedoxifene / Conjugated Estrogens

Pairing a selective estrogen receptor modulator (SERM) called bazedoxifene with conjugated estrogen creates a tissue-selective estrogen complex (TSEC) protecting the uterus without progestins. Bazedoxifene also prevents bone loss unlike other SERMS. TSECs treat hot flashes, sleep and sexual health issues without elevating risks of blood clots or strokes.


This unique synthetic steroid treats hot flashes, vaginal atrophy, sexual dysfunction and bone loss without needing combination progestogen therapy. Metabolites act like estrogen, progesterone and testosterone throughout the body. Side effects resemble birth control pills. Avoid if you've had breast cancer.

Take control of your health today with Harmony MD.

Lifestyle Recommendations for Optimal Menopausal Health

While hormone therapy effectively treats disruptive menopausal symptoms, optimizing lifestyle factors empowers you to take charge of your wellbeing during this transition:

While menopause marks the end of fertility, this new beginning offers opportunities to care for your whole self with compassion and tenderness. Prioritize self-care practices nourishing your body, mind and spirit so you can flourish through midlife and beyond. We stand ready to guide your journey with evidence-based, holistic support each step of the way.

Innovations in Menopausal Hormone Therapy

The 21st century has brought significant therapeutic advances providing more options for customized, effective symptom relief:

Harmony MDians stay abreast of the latest advancements to incorporate into our practice. We develop fully customized treatment plans aligned with your health goals while considering risk factors to ensure your safety.

Compassionate Menopause Care

At Harmony MD, your menopause specialist journey begins with compassion. Our practitioners appreciate this profound life transition extends far beyond bothersome symptoms. We empower your transformation with empathy, evidence-based therapies nurturing vitality along with holistic guidance on nutrition, movement, stress reduction and self-care practices.

Together we'll clarify priorities for this next chapter, mapping an integrated treatment plan addressing medical concerns while helping you thrive mentally and spiritually. We'll reframe menopause as an opportunity for growth and heightened self-awareness. Our commitment provides unwavering support through all triumphs and challenges ahead.

To get started, simply call Harmony MD to schedule a consultation. New patient paperwork is accessible on our website.

We look forward to welcoming you!

Read on to take charge of your health and restore your vitality.

Conclusion: A New Beginning

Menopause heralds the start of a bold new era filled with promise. By better understanding what's happening in your body, proactively addressing symptoms impairing your quality of life, and implementing holistic self-care strategies, you can enter this next adventure from a place of empowerment.

Know that a whole team of compassionate specialists stand ready to support your process at Harmony MD. We aim to make menopause smooth and even transformative−opening doors to pursue long-held passions. Prioritize caring for your magnificent self. Together we'll ensure you feel healthy, vibrant and wholly alive in the years ahead. The future looks bright!

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